Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A charmed run

I'm in Atlanta right now not wanting to work. That's the norm, not wanting to work. I go home Thursday that means not too long here for this week. I'll be back next week... I'll be glad when this study is over... then I might actually get to take a vacation. I haven't found any great running areas around my hotel plus it is still in the 90's here so I took the run indoors today. I had to break the 8 miles in to two 4 mile runs. The monotony of the treadmill was wearing me down. I took about a 5 minute break between the 2 runs to stretch and grab some gatorade. The second 4 miler felt really good, I got in my groove then. I just wish I could have been outside and feeling good. At least the charmed ones on TNT kept me pseudo entertained for the duration of the runs. Yeah, that's right I just admitted I watch Charmed reruns and enjoy them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you for logging 8 miles. Brilliant move to break it into more mentally manageable portions. Even one of your 4 milers on the dreadmill would have made me a looney tune. I used to travel to Atlanta and loved running on the trails! But the heat - ick.