Thursday, October 21, 2010

calling all bloggers

I'm updating the blog page in these parts. Still working on the my running story page but have added my race reports and will continue to update my restaurant review page. If you want to be listed on my blog roll please let me know! I'm always looking for new blogs to follow and I haven't updated the roll in awhile. I follow a lot in google ready and I'll update with that info but if you are a silent party I may not know about, leave a comment. Or if you know of or have a fantastic blog to follow please let me know!

In other news for the first time ever I lifted with my hand weights after a 5 mile run this week. Usually I totally bail on weights but not this week and it felt great! Yes, it was only about 15-20 minutes but it was more than I normally would have done. The squats and lunges were a bit difficult after a run but I'm glad I put the effort in to getting it done. I hope to actually make this a weekly occurrence. Maybe by putting it out there I will be keeping myself accountable.


Johann said...

I do some weights and core work 3 times a week after my shorter runs. If I'm feeling tired I do less on the day but always do something. It took a while but it is now part of my normal weekly training routine. Have a good weekend!

Marlene said...

I'm going to re-activate my gym mebership next month and get back into some weights. I have hand weights at home but I never stick with it. The strength/cardio group classes seem to be the only way I really make progress.

Have a great weekend!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hand weights are hard, aren't they!? I've been doing them too, and it is a challenge to get back in them! I'd love to be on your blogroll!!

My Life said...

Nice work getting in the strength training It's my goal this winter to amp up mine as well. Maybe we can help keep each other accountable! ;)

Jess said...

Way to go getting your weight work in! I'm such a slacker when it comes to that!

P.S. I'd like to be on your blog roll!

Jill said...

I wanna be on your blog roll, please and I just added ya to mine :). Though you were always in my reader.

Weight training is kkey to making you a stronger runner. I'd maybe try to do it on an easier run day and not on a long run or key run day...

I'm SO jealous you'll be in Hawaii in a few days - whaaaa!

Gabrielle @ Weightless said...

I so have to get back into weight training too! I feel so jiggly lately. ;-)

Would love if you'd add me to your blog roll! You are already on mine! Thanks.

kilax said...

Do you read Erin ( She's local, so that's fun!

Adam is really funny -

Thanks for including me! :)