Yesterday I had one of those runs that made me mad and frustrated with the whole running game. On the schedule was a 5 mile tempo run. Not too bad...working on getting back into the "speed" workouts again. Literally not even a 1/4 mile into my warm-up I knew it wasn't going to be my night. After 1 1/2 miles into the tempo portion I had to stop and...walk! Oye! I couldn't find one reason to push through and walking felt so right ;) Now I know sometimes there are just these kind of days but yesterday it really annoyed me more than usual. Maybe I'm more tired than I realized from all this travel or possibly my not so healthy meals have finally caught up with me. Or a culmination of things - who knows?!?! I celebrated my crappy run with a glass of red wine. Probably not the best response but it took the edge off my annoyance :) Hopefully I can get some sleep and get back into it this weekend.
Today is my last day trip for February. Let's all say yay! It's a doozy though. Was up at 4:30 am to catch my 6:45 am flight and won't get back home until 9pm. Ugh. I just keep telling myself this is almost over then I can sleep. And work has taken to blocking all blogs and fun websites like facebook. This is a shocker for me as a homebased employee we are given more Internet leeway than the office based folks. So now to read/comment blogs and otherwise cyberstalk during the workday I know need to disconnect from the network. What a pain. But I guess it is a sacrifice that will need to be made :)
I HATE when working gets in the way of blogging. :o)
Yay! No more long work trips means more running and more blogging!
Red wine always makes it better, doesn't it? :-)
Too bad about the run : ( i have had those days too. I hope your weekend is better and you get some time to relax! Stinky about the internet policy at work.
Bummer of a run. But that's what they make tomorrow for. So we can get up and try it again. (that sounded kinda cheesy)
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