Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I have a problem

I need help. That's the first step, right? Realizing you have a problem. Well I have a problem. It is an affliction I am sure many a 9, 10, and 11 year olds have dealt with. I am addicted to my Wii. I have done little else since it arrived yesterday via my weirdo UPS man (seriously he creeps me out. There are days I wish I hadn't moved just so I could have my old very nice UPS man back delivering to my house) My arm hurts from my forearm up to my shoulder from playing so much tennis. I am nearly at the pro level and kicking Jacob's butt everytime (well not EVERYTIME but enough times). I am a poor sport. I hate to lose. I have little Miis. (This is the little wii guy that is supposed to look like you). I have bowled so many times I have a new ball color because I reached a certain level. I am even thinking about asking my friends if they want to come to my house for a Wii bowling party. I seriously need help. But it is so much fun!!!Thankfully it is supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow so I have no excuse to not go outside for an hour run. After yesterday's sad attempt I need to get back out there to redeem myself. No, I don't want to discuss yesterday's run. It was just one of those days that 4 miles got done but it wasn't pretty. Now I need to go and get back to my tennis game...

1 comment:

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO!! You sound like my husband! After I beat his butt a couple times he stayed up til 2am (on a worknight *rolls eyes*) Perfecting his game. The next morning he comes out and says "I'm a Pro Now. I have a special ball and YOU DON'T!" And of course that doesn't sit right with me so I have to catch up :P We're like two 13 yo geeks over here LOL