Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday wrap-up and sickness

And we're back! After what felt like a 2 week tour of central IL to Northeast Ohio and countless hours in the car with a crying cat I'm finally back home in Chicago for a few days. You know how I get to spend my taper and time off from work? SICK... It all started with a tickle in the throat the night after Christmas and has moved into a full blown horrendously painful cold. So yet another rest day for me when I really need to be getting the legs moving. Right now the focus is to feel better fast by loading up on my vitamins and cold medicine and try to get more than 1 hour of sleep at a time. A few missed workouts during taper shouldn't be the end of me come Goofy in 2 weeks.

The trip home to Ohio was a whirlwind and I definitely didn't get a lot of miles on my legs. Instead I decided to try and enjoy my limited time at home rather than stress about when I could fit in a run around our busy schedule. I did get in a few walks with this guy. He's not too good at walking so it was more of strength workout trying to hold him back.
Mostly my time was spent catching up with my family and a few friends, cooking up some delicious dinners, and having a few cocktails. Exactly what the holidays should be about!
I hope Santa was good to you all this year. I know he was to me! I was spoiled yet again.


ajh said...

Feel better! I can't imagine a cat (as much as I Love them) is a very good traveling companion in a car.

MCM Mama said...

Hope you feel better quickly! Sounds like you had a nice visit with family though. I'm sure a little extra rest won't ruin the training you did.

Jill said...

Awk, feel better soon!! I think we're just so crazy manic running around and so prone to get every germ out there! Glad you got some quality family time in, though - you're right, that's what it is about!! Enjoy being back home! :)

J said...

Hope you feel better soon!! Sounds like quite a nice visit with your family!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

That sounds like the perfect holiday. Your body will remember what to do, right? For sure!
The head colds are the worst for running, aren't they? Luckily you are getting it now, so you will be in top shape again soon!

Jess said...

Looks like you had a really fun holiday except for the whole getting sick thing! Feel better soon!

runner26 said...

Hope you're feeling better! Being sick is the worst, especially during the holidays. Glad u had a nice family visit &that you got good presents!

Nej said...

There are so many people around me who were either sick over the holidays, or sick now. Hope you feel better soon!!!!

Laura said...

Merry Christmas and get well soon!

RunToTheFinish said...

ohhh hope you feel better, I know you've got goofy running to do. love the stockings!

Marlene said...

Sounds like a perfect holiday, except getting sick! Glad you enjoyed yourself and didn't stress too much about training. Last year we spent Xmas at an all-inclusive beach resort before Goofy... and we survived! :)

C said...

You're strength training companion is adorable.

Hope you are feeling better!

Amanda@runninghood said...

Hope you are feeling better by now. I have not read your most recent post yet. :) Love your pictures...so pretty. You sounds just like me with your organized chaos! I have things in drawers but the drawers are a mess! :)

Amanda@runninghood said...

Hope you are feeling better by now. I have not read your most recent post yet. :) Love your pictures...so pretty. You sounds just like me with your organized chaos! I have things in drawers but the drawers are a mess! :)

Kim said...

What a wonderful time (minus being sick). I love the photos! :) Aww, I miss Christmas. Ha ha!