Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Last week I was talking to my sister who was complaining about being sick after spending the weekend around her friends little nephews and nieces.  I was saying how I must have built up some serious immunity because I hadn't been sick in over a year.  Way to jinx yourself silly!  This morning I woke up with a little tickle on the right side of my throat.  Now it's a full blown painful annoyance.  I am crossing my fingers this doesn't lead to anything much worse.

I was able to find some time to go for a run finally this week.  Yay!!!  I decided to do the run I missed yesterday; 10 miles.  Although very humid this 10 miler went much better than my attempt on Saturday morning. Go figure it helps to go later in the day when still warm but the sun is not intensely beating down on you ;).  My legs were well rested and I stopped at nearly every water fountain to stay well hydrated.  It all came together today for a toasty run but one that passed quickly and felt almost relaxing now that I was able to run out some stress.  My run took me past North Beach briefly.  This is where every volleyball player, family, and hot person under the age of 25 hang out during the summer.  To steal a term from this lovely lady there was a whole lot of douchebaggery happening.  The weather and North Beach lend itself to make the perfect storm of DB's.  It is entertaining to watch on the run as long as I don't have any contact with them. 

Day trip to Madison, WI on Thursday.  I'm not one for sitting in traffic or driving more than the actual time I work on site so instead of 3 hours there and more than 3 back (thanks Chicago traffic) I am taking the 27 minute flight up there.  Plus I get the airline segments :)  Although I probably spend as much time at the airport as I would in the car.  Oh well.  At least the plane gives me the option of brief sleep and possibility of arriving home sooner than planned.


kilax said...

I would fly too! Traffic in Chicagoland is too crazy and stressful.

I bet it is fun to run along the lake for the sights, but annoying with all the DBs. We played volleyball there once, and I could tell it would be stressful to run around all those people.

I woke up with a stuffed nose today. But... this is the 3rd or 4th cold since January. I think my immune system is a big piece of caca. I hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Nice 10 miler! Hope you are feeling better. Isn't it funny as soon as you open your mouth and say something you pay for it.

Hope you have a stress free flight.

carpeviam said...

Vitamin C! I'm a VC whore when I'm sick. I'll take 5,000mg 3x a day because your body rids itself of what it doesn't need. All the extra C helps SO much and I ususally have a short term cold. Hope you start feeling better!

J said...

Glad you got in the 10 mile run. If I had the time i would run later at night because its almost cooler than in the morning. Hope you have safe travels!

Marlene said...

Glad to hear you got out for a run - and a good one too!

Have a safe trip and get well soon!

Aron said...

hope you feel better soon!!!! great job on the 10 miler :)

Cal said...

Great job on the run! It would be nice to have fountains like on your trails!

C said...

Douchebaggery is indeed a wonderful word.

Hope WI has treated you well today. Safe travels.

kristen said...

Love that word. I seem to be using douchbag ALOT lately. I used to reserve it for 'special' people, but these days there seems to be more and more of them running around.

Nice job on the 10. Get better!

MCM Mama said...

Hope you are feeling better! Wish I'd known you were heading this way - I might've been able to pop into Madison today.

Jess said...

Feel better!

RunToTheFinish said...

oh no i just said the same thing, hope I don't jinx myself

Michelle said...

Great 10 miler!! What are DB's?

Michelle said...

Also feel better FAST!!!!

X-Country2 said...

If work is paying for it, I'll always fly over driving. Great job on the 10 miler.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Safe travels.... sucks that you're sick though! Feel better soon :)