Monday, January 25, 2010


Ever since returning from vacation/starting the new year I haven't felt like doing much of anything! My motivation to get dressed, leave the house, and do anything other than watch tv or read is severely lacking. Part of the reason is my full travel schedule right now. After a couple days of travel I am exhausted! Also, after staring down a computer screen and patient charts the last thing I want to do is be on the computer. The dreary weather is also playing a role. It's the time of year we hibernate :) So that's what I've been doing...

I haven't been missing too many runs because of my temporary laziness; though I have been pushing them off to much later in the day. Luckily the running path is well lit and there are several other cold weather runners so I'm not alone. Once I'm out there and moving I feel good and am happy it's just the 'getting out there' that is the issue. I've been averaging around 20+ miles a week and doing much better with cross-training and weights so far. I won't be setting any records in New Orleans in a month but at least I will be able to finish without hurting myself.

Finally some great news happened today... My dad is officially in remission! Happy day!


MCM Mama said...

Glad to hear your dad is in remission!!!

Hey, at least you're running.

runner26 said...

that is great news!!

Jocelyn said...

Great news!
We all go through lazy period! :D You're still running though and thats the best part

carpeviam said...

Happiness about your dad. Yay!

You're running NoLa? Sweet!

Tara said...

Congratulations! I am sooo very happy to hear the good news about your dad. I'm sure that your whole family is extremely relieved.

kristen said...

WooooHooooo!!!!! That's is beautifull news. So glad to hear this.

lifestudent said...

That is so wonderful! Congrats to your whole family ... what great news.

saundra said...

Wonderful news about your dad!
Good luck in New Orleans

J said...

So glad your dad is in remission! That is amazing news!

Marlene said...

I hear you on the urge to hibernate. I always feel this way in January. It takes a heck of a lot more to motivate me.

That is WONDERFUL news about your dad!!! ((HAPPY DANCE))

Jess said...

Great news about your dad!!!

RunToTheFinish said...

yeahhhh good for your dad!!!

Anonymous said...
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Christina said...

Hurrah for your dad being in remission.

kilax said...

It doesn't sound like you are being lazy to me if you are still running!

I am so happy to hear the news about your dad! :)