Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Taper Time for this Stinky Runner!

I had a nearly uneventful trip back to Chicago Sunday until of course I was 30 miles outside of the city. Heavy rains, windshield wipers past their prime, a windshield smeared in bug guts, heavy traffic, and road construction had me swearing and gripping the steering wheel :) But I made it in one piece!

Sunday I should have followed up my last 20 miles with a 4 mile recovery run for 52 miles on the week. Instead I opted to sleep in for the first time all week, spend time with the family, and have a long return trip home so I missed those 4. I feel a little guilty because I didn't do exactly what the schedule said to do but oh well! I still ended up with just over 48 miles for the week.

This week started off well enough in the running department. Monday was 8 miles with 5x600 at 5K pace. Seeing that on the schedule had be a bit anxious especially after my lackluster repeats last week. But I'm happy to report I nailed this workout! The 2nd interval was my slowest (but still beat my 5K pace) and my last interval the fastest. For the last interval I felt like I was running through quicksand then I looked at garmy and couldn't believe when it said 7:36 average pace over the last 600 meters! Tuesday I had a recovery 6 on the schedule but opted for humid and buggy 5 to be able to get lunch and finish packing before my trip to Atlanta. I was drenched in sweat and covered in little gnats before even hitting the first water fountain. Good times! Anyways, taper time is treating me well so far... it's nice not having to squeeze 11-13 miles in midweek before flights!

So last night after my run and before my shower I realized that although my husband missed me while I was gone he most likely did not miss the smell :) I'm a stinky girl and my clothes are even worse after running so I leave the clothes draped over the tub to air dry before throwing them in the hamper. This prevents the cloth hamper from becoming even smellier and growing mold. All this saves the hamper but not the bathroom or the nose. I figure it's a small price to pay to have a hot, happy, and in-shape wifey!


Mark said...

Great post! I'm so glad you made it to the taper! Congrats on the great intervals! Sounds like your strong! My Sweetheart puts up with this stinky runner, too!

Aron said...

YAY taper!! dont worry about those missed 4 miles, sleeping in was definitely more important! gotta get that body healed for race day!

RunToTheFinish said...

seriously finding a place to air dry my clothes while making sure the house is clean for showings has been awful!

Kathleen said...

Yeah, it is reallllly nice to sleep in and eat a huge breakfast for a change over waking up at the crack of dawn and pounding out miles. Pssh..4 miles isn't even much, anyway :)

runner26 said...

yay for the taper!! nice job on your last 20! don't feel too bad about skipping the recovv 4--it was probably better to rest up than squeeze in the shortie.

MCM Mama said...

Enjoy the taper! Those were some nice intervals!

LOL at the stinky. I hang my stuff up to dry in our bedroom. Luckily, I do a ton of laundry 'cause of the two munchkins, so I can often just throw my stuff straight in the wash.

Tara said...

LOL, my laundry hamper is a stinky mess too. All though smelly running clothes, ick!
Sounds like a strong week for you and that you are ready to go girl!!
I alwasys feel guily about missing something on the schedule too, but ahhh...wasn't it nice to miss it?

kristen said...

I totally feel ya on the stinky bathroom. I leave mine on the floor in a crumpled mess for a couple days though. We need to get a better system. I've been thinking of getting a plastic bin so I can wash it with a hose, but that doesn't solve the 'where to put it question?'

Your right - it's a small price to pay to have a hot wifey!

X-Country2 said...

48 miles is great! Happy you made it home in one piece.

Jeri said...

omg the gnats are KILLING ME! I'm so sick of swallowing them, breathing them in thru my nose, having my face, neck, hair being covered with them, and having them speckle my running clothes with their dead carcasses while I run around town. I feel bad saying it, but I would be ok with a night below freezing to kill the buggers. :(

J said...

Glad the intervals went better this week! That is great that your last one was the fastest!

Marlene said...

Yikes, scary drive. Glad you made it home safely!

With two runners in our house, I'm sure you can imagine how stinky it gets around here. Blech.

Enjoy your taper!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

glad you made it home safely :) nothing fun about a white-knuckle drive! lol about the running clothes, glad to hear it's not just me!

Jess said...

Haha I'm sure he appreciates the hot wifey even if she is a little stinky at times lol!